Building Regulations in Wales – Your complete guide

Current building legislation in Wales
There are different laws that cover the standards of buildings or construction. One or more of these laws could apply depending on the type of premises and whether any building work is being carried out. Details on current legislation may be found on the Planning Portal on the Welsh Government website.
The Building Regulations are made under powers provided in the Building Act 1984, and apply in England and Wales. The current editions of the regulations are The Building Regulations 2010 and the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010 and the majority of building projects related to new or altered premises are required to comply with them.
The Building Regulations contain definitions, procedures, and what is expected in terms of the technical performance of building work; they:
define ‘building work’ and what is subject to control under the Building Regulations
specify exemptions from control under the Building Regulations
set out the notification procedures to follow when starting, carrying out, and completing building work
set out the ‘requirements’.